Our dedicated staff deals with residents of our six “Terrace” Apartment buildings on a daily basis throughout the year.

But it’s important to us that the residents have a yearly opportunity to provide unfiltered input to our Board representatives without staff on hand.
We conducted these forums recently in each of our six Lebanon County buildings, and once again received valuable input that keeps us connected to our resident community.

“I thank God every day for the place that I live and the other residents”, 98 year old Willow Terrace long-time resident Irene says. We were pleased to get overall very positive feedback, but the Board and our independent communications professional noted other input that, in turn, becomes action items to enhance the lifestyle of our resident population.

This is the real reason we do this, and it has been an effective way to keep us focused on our mission of dedicated service to our residents.
As seniors, they have paid their dues to the rest of us in terms of raising families and contributing to society through their varied careers. We are proud to provide them with affordable independent-living housing in a clean, safe environment, in a community that depends on each other for support and a listening ear.

We, as management, listen too.