The simple life is a good fit for the Community Homes September Resident of the Month.

Have you ever moved into a new place to live that followed a ribbon cutting? It happened two years ago to Ricky Long, our September Community Homes Resident of the Month!
Ricky is the first occupant of one of the two “Proof of Concept” duplex apartments on Maple Street in Lebanon. The handicapped accessible design of the apartment is a model for development of the 23-unit Canal Affordable Housing Project, which is very close to the groundbreaking stage for the first 8 units. It is an exciting time for Community Homes and the future for Lebanon County’s seniors, disadvantaged and budget-challenged others.
“I feel blessed to have been given the chance to live here”, says Ricky Long, “It is a very nice place to live”. He had previously lived in an apartment in downtown Lebanon for many years and was happy to relocate to a brand-new duplex.
Ricky, a Lebanon native, has lived his whole life here, except for a four-year period during his middle-school years, when his family lived and worked in Texas, before finally returning Lebanon.
His father spent his career in the moving business, and Ricky, who never finished high school, followed suit and got into the moving business himself. Thirty-six years later, he is still working in the same field, most of which was spent working for a local company for his whole career, VIP Moving & Storage Company, Lebanon. He still works part time, but his health no longer permits any of the physical aspect of the business. “I help families, who are moving, organize their belongings and instruct the workers where things should be placed in the new home. People appreciate my help.” He adds, “I have had the opportunity to visit all 48 states (not Alaska and Hawaii) during my career and helped countless families move. It was a wonderful experience.”
Ricky spends a lot of time at home and sitting on his porch, The Independent Fire Company is right across the street, and he has gotten acquainted with many of the firefighters. “Nice people,” Ricky notes. He also takes the time to look in on his next-door neighbor, who is disabled.
Ricky is extremely organized and is proud of it. He has an extensive collection of over 1000 movie DVD’s all neatly placed and alphabetized in a large bookshelf that he purchased for ten dollars from a video store that was going out of business. He even has a supply of candy in plastic tubs labeled “peanut butter cups” and “dark chocolate” (my kind of guy).
When asked “What makes you proud”? Ricky replied, “Living in a nice place and getting to know neighbors and the staff and management of Community Homes. All good”!